Software proficiency:
★★★☆☆ Photoshop
★★★★☆ Medibang Paint
★★★★★ Ibispaint X
★★★★☆ Krita
★☆☆☆☆ Blender
I've used Krita, Medibang, Ibispaint extensively that my workflow is pretty much uniform across all these programs even in mobile. The only controlling factor being the hardware I run them on.I specialize in Character Illustration. Backgrounds are usually an after-thought for me, so I'm not as good as illustrating environments as I am with characters.That's where Blender knowledge come in, though due to low-end equipment it was very hard for me to learn much beyond basic 3D blocking since the computers I've used simply can't properly run complex scenery.Photoshop is my least used software and the last version I used was CS6. So I'm not familiar with features introduced on it since.